Thursday, September 27, 2012

Response to The Crucible Act 1

The play The Crucible introduces a community where you have little to no private life, concealed grudges and a religion where there isn’t an outlet to emotions you were preached against feeling. Throughout the play Parris seemingly, appears to be worried by his daughters and her friends’ activities. But, in paying close attention, I noticed that above all he was scared of the implications her wrong doings will have on his name, amongst the people in town.  The belief of 'guilty by association' was customary in Salem. In the town, someone must fear the wrong doing of their friends because it may tarnish their own name. To insure one has a good reputation, it is necessary to always condemn the crimes of others. Many Salemites blamed any tragedy of theirs on witch craft, which allowed them to use witch trials to express their feelings of loss. I think the conclusion of the act 1 was a plan by Abigail and her friends, to smear the names of those who they didn’t like through accusing them of witch craft, which they knew will get them killed.
Word Count:160

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