Sunday, September 9, 2012

Response to Crevecouer

I think eighteenth-century immigrants are somewhat similar to present- day immigrants. Today most immigrants come with the goal of achieving the American dream, which was what Crevecoeur explained as what the immigrants wanted.  “They were withered down by want, hunger, and war”, in this quote Crevecoeur is referring to the way the immigrants felt while living in Europe. This quote can also refer to the present day immigrants because are they also oppressed in their country which is why they make the decision to make the commute to America.  As much as both of these generations of immigrants have in similarities they also have many differences. “He becomes an American by being received in the broad lap of great Alma Mater (America)”, Crevecoeur in this quote explains that the immigrants are welcomed to America and are received as citizens. In contrast to the eighteenth-century immigrants, present- day immigrants are if truth be told not welcomed or appreciated.

Word Count:150

1 comment:

  1. This was a great response! I do agree with you that most modern day immigrants are similar to eighteenth-century immigrants and I also loved your use of quotes.
