Monday, February 18, 2013

Community Proposal

·         What neighborhood do you live in?
University Village/Little Italy
·         How would you describe your neighborhood?
My neighborhood is very unique in terms of the people that consist of it. In my neighborhood, there are many UIC students, families who have lived here for a while, as well as hard workers in the various stores.  My neighborhood is also very unique in the landscape. It is made up of very old buildings spanning back to the beginning of the city, such as the Holy Family Church, and St Ignatius. It has consists of intertwined streets filled with many restaurants, known as Taylor Street, which is famous due to famous Chicagoan mobsters.
·         What are the Demographics of your area?
1.       Mostly African American, Caucasian
2.       Large Hispanic community on Pilsen
3.       Many students outweigh families
·         People I plan on interviewing
1.       My sister Theodora Okiro (UIC Student)
2.       Owner of a Restaurant of Taylor Street
3.       Holy Family (church) member
·         What part of the American Dream is present in my neighborhood?
I think a part of the American dream that I think is present in my dream, is the dream to build a better tomorrow for the generation to come. I think the adults in my neighborhood, through many neighborhood events and projects, try to help the youth to find their way thus ensuring that the youth can keep the community strong. I also think a part of the American Dream that consists in my neighborhood is a change is a change in what is viewed as the American dream. I think that this is especially prevalent in my neighborhood, since it is made of many students, making the community modern, and changing the means of achieving things and how you achieve those things.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The American Dream

The article Giving Children a Chance, from the New York Times, relates very much to the ideals of the American dream. The author, who emigrated from Haiti with his parents to the United States, fled here for freedom from the war happening in his country. This is related to the American Dream which mainly preaches about freedom, because he saw that relocating to America meant a freedom that could not have been obtained in his country, so in that he was able to achieve the American Dream. After relocating to America, his father worked very hard obtaining jobs in order to pay for his son’s school fees. This related to the American Dream in that, his father relocated his family to America in order for a better life and worked tirelessly to give his son a good education that wasn't offered in his country. Working so hard, overwhelmed his father, and led to a heart attack at the wheel of his taxi. This relates to the essence of the American Dream, which is sacrifice for your children and loved ones, in order to provide them with things they need.  The author, after completing college, became a writer for the New York Times, and also created a nonprofit organization to improve educational opportunities for children. This especially relates to the American Dream, in that he kept the cycle going of well educated children, and also will bring up new generations of strong individuals able to achieve their own dreams, and thus keeping the American dream alive.
Word Count: 230