Monday, October 22, 2012

The Crucible Response

I believe that the play the crucible, is somewhat of a modern tragic story, where the ending is considered to be morbid.  During the witch-hunt all what was considered evidence were the accusers words against that of the accused, it was very hard to defend yourself, which made people very vulnerable to be convicted of a crime. It was in a way easy for Abigail to successfully accuse people of witchcraft, due to her “proof” being the effects of the spells on her, which was greatly believed by the court. At the end of the play, I don’t think she was remorseful because she accomplished what she set out to do and also I think she believes in her mind, that justice has been served. The witch trials changed Reverend Hale the most and for the better. In the beginning of the play, he didn’t consider effective evidence when convicting someone of witchcraft. However, later on in the play when his friend Proctor was convicted, he started to look at the other end of things, and constructively analyzed each detail, rather than quickly jumping to a conclusion. John Proctor, who had an affair with Abigail, died a noble man, without lies dragging down his name. His name was “clean’ because he no longer had the accusations of witchcraft hanging over his head, and he also did not have to lie to keep himself and friends safe. Though some people may not view the ending as happy, I believe it was because those who were wrongfully accused and put to shame when they were alive finally had peace.
Word Count: 255

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